Lameness Diagnosis

Our experienced team take a systematic and thorough approach to each lameness case we see. We are fortunate to be one of a few clinics in the UK to offer Equinosis Q lameness locator technology as a standard part of our lameness diagnostics. This state of the art technology accurately measures your horses lameness from only 3 small sensors. It can then measure responses to nerve blocks, joint blocks and to treatment, giving an unbiassed percentage improvement. 

We are able to offer a full range of diagnostic imaging either in house or through our partners. Alison Fairburn a European Diploma holder in diagnostic imaging interprets all of our MRIs. 

We are able to offer all of the most up to date treatments for lameness cases including stem cell therapy.

If you have concerns about lameness in your horse contact a member of our equine team who will be happy to help. 

Lameness Diagnosis